I'm Aisling. I'm a "dorkerella," on the never ending quest to be the world's greatest know-it-all. This is my story.
29 March 2007
Hanging out at work...
Hey everyone!!! And by everyone, I mean.... well, who reads this anyway?
I'm at school right now, and by school, I obviously mean my work placement. It's computers class, so that's pretty cool. Ooer, and it's DOUBLE computers, which is even better, ha ha!
Billeting is still going good!!! Ummm.... yes. Yesterday Joelle, the kids we live with, and I played road hockey for a few hours! It was sooooo much fun! Because the weather is gorgeous right now! Oh, and yes, I scored the winning goal for my team! From the centre line!!! Without even meaning to!!! Yes, I AM that amazing at hockey...
...but not really.
Speaking of hockey, I read that they're preparing the Red Mile back home. We're not even really in the playoffs yet!!! They might be getting ahead of themselves! Ahhh well, better safe than sorry. And in any case THE FLAMES ROCK AND WILL TAKE THE CUP!!!! Ha ha ha. And the Sens most definitely won't. Silly Ottawa Sens fans, who always think they have a chance, when they DON'T!
Yesterday, Nick, Jade, Gwobs and I went out to Pizza Pizza for lunch, to celebrate Jade's birthday which is today. So, yeah, HAPPY 18th JADEY BABY!!!!!!!!! She's spending a super fab day with her family today!!! I bet she's having a blast! Oh my goodness, I can't believe I'm going to be 19 in a week and 2.5 days! Ha ha ha. It's like reliving my 18th birthday, kind of, because I haven't been able to go out since I got into Katimavik. Silly BC and Ontario.
Anyway, I'm bored of this now, and there's not much to say, really!!! So, I'm going to go now, and I hope everyone is doing awesomely!!!
Labels: Journal, Katimavik, Orléans
24 March 2007
Billeting ... round 2!
Just a quick note to say that I'm once again billeting!!! Yup... you probably already realized that, since I've said it multiple times over the last three posts!!!!
Anyway, things are great! I'm going with Joelle's family to one of their kids' hockey games this afternoon, and then a baby shower this evening.
Ummm.... yes, that's all the news on this end!!!
Sorry this is so short!!!
I'm trying to make it longer..... hmmmmmm.
Nope, can't think of anything! Ha ha.
Labels: Journal, Katimavik, Orléans
22 March 2007
Meeting the Governor General at Rideau Hall!
Okay, I wrote another entry before this one, so go read it as well!!! But this was just so exciting I couldn't wait!!!
Oh, except here is a pic of Anny and I trying an ice cream cone filled with MAPLE BUTTER (yummm) and the sticky maple stuff they put on snow, in Ottawa!!!
Yesterday, we went to Rideau Hall, which is where the Governor General, Michealle Jean, lives. She held the first ever forum there for the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination! There were great speakers! And we met her!!! She is SOOOOOO nice. Oh, and the place was gorgeous and smelled of fresh flowers! AND THE FOOD! My goodness, it was AMAZING!!!! Sorry, these pics are out of order, but I HATE blogger's way of putting pics in!
Jade and I next to a pretty table with fresh flowers:

Anny, Nick and I with the Queen (her picture anyway) in the room where the reception was held!

All the Katimavik participants in our cluster, and the Governor General! (I'm the one in baby blue, obviously)

The Governor General speaking (before the reception, obviously)

The room that the forum was in:

The gorgeous chandelier in the room the forum was in:

Like with the last entry, there are more pics but I won't have time to post them until after billeting!!! Sorry!!! Now I have to go eat!! BYEEEE!!!
Labels: Journal, Katimavik, Orléans, Photos
Museum of Cilvilization // Trip to Ottawa
Okay, so, this is the long awaited museum and Ottawa entry! I'm going to do it quickly, because more interesting things happened yesterday!
Okay, so there aren't many pictures yet because we haven't uploaded them, but here are some now. I'll put more on after billeting, maybe!
Me at a war monument in Ottawa:

Us all under our respective flags.

Me at the Rideau Canal.

Like I said, there's not much!!! But yesterday was so exciting I'm going to go write now!!!
Labels: Journal, Katimavik, Orléans, Photos
16 March 2007
Pictures in Orléans...
Wow, sorry for being so emo last time. Sometimes that happens, I guess.
To make up for it, here are some happy pictures of me and my group in Orléans!
This is Anny and I when we got off the plane at the Ottawa International Airport!

We took a yellow school bus to our house! Big change from the luxury busses we had in BC (you know, with bathrooms. Sweet.)!

This is our house! It is SO BIG compared to Kelowna!

This is me, wearing a leopard printed hat. Don't ask, because I forgot why!

This is me in the fort we built in the living room, because Orléans is boring and suburban and there was nothing else to do!

Gwobs, Anny and I inside the fort!

Me, Joelle, Alex, Sean and Gwobs, in the woodsy area behind our house before playing Capture the Flag!

And, last but not least, me doing my cowboy-walk-pose!

So, yeah, that is all so terribly interesting, isn't it!!??!!
Last night we went over to Gatineau to go to the Museum of Civlization, because it's free on Thursday nights! So, firstly, it was the first time I ever was in Quebec ever. And let me tell you- it's weird. All of the signs are in French (duh), but also for each traffic light there are TWO REDS!!!!! Yes, it goes like:
Isn't that weird?!?
Anyway, the Museum was AWESOME. Obviously, I LOOOOVVVEEE museums, but this one was FANTASTIC. I'll upload pictures later, but I didn't take any, so I'll have to wait until Anny, Jade and Joelle upload theirs so I can steal them!
So, what am I up to the next few days....? Umm... tonight is free time, so I might be going to the mall FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE BEFORE I LEFT KELOWNA. Wow. Tomorrow we're doing a big excursion in Ottawa. We're walking along the Rideau Canal (since we obviously can't skate since it's melting) and going to see... umm... wait, let me look it up... we're walking to the National Arts Centre, then to Confederation Park, then to Parliament where I'm sure we'll take zillions of pictures and eat dinner, and then we're going home, unless some of us want to stay in the city and bus it back. So... yeah, that sounds cool!
And then on Sunday, we have THE WHOLE DAY OFF UNTIL DINNER. So, I think some of us are going back to Quebec for a bit, to do whatever. So, that should be fun if I end up tagging along.
Wow, this week went by quick! Last time house manager dragggggggggggged. But this time it was alright. Ugh to next week though! I'm excited about getting back to work, but it's the last week before billeting! And I'm not a big fan of billeting.... Ah well. Atleast I can look on the brightside- that billeting isn't for MORE than 2 weeks. Ugh.
Labels: Journal, Katimavik, Orléans, Photos
14 March 2007
Sorry, I just am a little bit depressed right now. I was reading my old Xanga, and found this entry:
I found out this morning that the doctors have given my uncle two years to live. He has Hepititus C..... And I'm REALLY pissed, because my aunt phoned to tell my mom RIGHT BEFORE she had to go to work. As in, she was almost out the door, and then she had to drive to work TOTALLY UPSET and ALONE. I don't even know what to say....
I'm still sick, and matinees are today, and I didn't feel like going to school straight-off, so I phoned my brother and I in 'late' for this morning. Then I won't have to have classes until 2. Nice.
Um.... yup. Performance week, and I'm SICK. It sucks SO BAD. Plus all this STRESS. I just want July to come so I can run away.
That's all I have the energy for. Sorry.That was written on April 25, 2006.
My uncle died on July 25, 2006.
Exactly 3 months.
Labels: Journal
12 March 2007
Pictures from Rotation Camp!
Hey, we just got a CD from our old PC, Christine, with pictures from Rotation Camp. And here they are!
This is Gwobs, Me and the recently-departed Sophie outside of the room we ate in:

This is all the girls and Sean inside of a hula hoop! We all want to learn how to hula hoop and be sexy in La Pocatiere. And hopefully combine those two things with fire, somehow:

A crazy group shot in the Fireside Room:

Okay, so here's the story behind this. The rice was gross and sticky, so I made a snowman with brocolli arms and tofu eyes. Then I tried to make Heidi eat it. And she stuck it in her mouth and then spit it out because it was gross. And then Heidi, Gwobs and I had a rice fight. And I put ricec in Gwobs' bed, but he made me take it out by threatening to kill me:

A group shot in bunk beds:

We take a lot of group shots. We're next to a lifeguard chair:

Yet another group shot with a totem pole after our intense team building activity:

And finally, a (surprise!) group shot after another activity!
The other ones mainly consist of me looking exhausted at 2am when we had to get up to catch our 4am bus. So, I'm not posting them! So there.
Labels: Journal, Katimavik, Kelowna, Photos
09 March 2007
Tout Nu sur La Plage!!!!!!!!
Last night, we went to see...
LES TROIS ACCORDS!!!!!!!!!!Oh my goodness, I LOVED IT! Seriously. There are no words. It was fantastic! Gahhhhhhhhhhhhh. I am officially in love with Quebecois music. So, yeah, if you're looking for something cool, check them out. Also, LES COWBOYS FRIGANTS!!! And Pierre Lapointe if you're a bit emo (I LOVE HIM <3333). And Mes Aieux. Gahhh. I can't stress my love for Quebec at this moment enough! And I don't even live there yet!!!
Labels: Journal, Katimavik, Orléans
06 March 2007
Bye Bye Sophie!
So, Sophie left today, so that's sad. It was her decision though, so that's good that she'll be able to get out in the world and do whatever she wants!!!
Other than that, not much is up. Why I am blogging, I don't know.
This weekend we just hung out around here, but I was sick. On Sunday there was a lot of drama, but I won't get into that, because it's really not the business of just any random person who reads this. On Monday I was home sick with a migraine, and the drama was around for a bit, but then resolved in its own way. Today I was at work, which was pretty normal. Tonight is a French activity. Tomorrow we're doing a visibilityslashrecuritment thing at the MiFO (French Cultural Center). Wednesday is committee time. And then we have loads of free blocks all week.
Next week is what they call March Break, so all 4 of us school dwellers have it off. And by off I mean we're house managers that week. All 4 of us. Nick says he's going to make Jade and I clean, and then him and Gwobs will do nothing. I say, I'm going to shove the mop up Nick's bum. Anyway, it should be fun.
Then, after March Break, I'm going to start working with a Grade 6 English class, which should be fun. I'd prefer English to French because I'm wayyyy more comfortable.
I think the last week has been good for me, choosing-a-career-wise. I mean, even when kids are off-the-wall, I still want to do it. That must be a good sign, huh?
Oooer, also, our welcome party /open house is on the 12th, so if you're in the area, drop by!
Edit: This is my cousin Brock and Tanya's (his fiancée) website for their wedding (which I am missing! Gahhhhhh). It's an ECO-WEDDING. How cool is that?!?!
http://brockandtanya.com Awww it's sooooo sweet. Oh and yes, please note, I am on the guest list! Lol.
Labels: Journal, Katimavik, Orléans
02 March 2007
First week of work!
Well, today wraps up my first week at my new Katimavik placement! I don't know if I mentioned it, but I'm working at Dunning-Foubert Elementary School, which is just down the road, and goes from Kindergarten (I think junior and senior) to grade 8!
Anyway, all the schools had a PD Day on Monday, so Nick, Jade, Gwobs and I just sat around at home. Then we started on Tuesday. I've been with some French Immersion classes (1,2,3), but I think I'm going to be switching to English classes, so I'll be more comfortable. Because, I mean, I took French for 3 years, and so have 3rd graders, so we're pretty close to the same level. Ooer, and I also found out that I interviewed so well, that I was their first choice. Ha ha ha ha ha.
So, yeah, school is school. I'm exhauted everyday when I come home from work, but I get home at 10 after 3, which is the perfect time for a nap before dinner. Except a few days ago I fell asleep in the livingroom, and someone made me cuddle with Gwobs' socks. Ew.
Last night we did a big workshop on conflict resolution, which I hope will help us, since we are a bit back in the Stoming stage, at the moment.
Tonight is Free Time, so maybe we'll hit up the mall, mall rats that we are! Tomorrow all it says that is scheduled is "Learning Plans," which is when we fill out all of our learning goals and abilities for the trimester.
Labels: Journal, Katimavik, Orléans
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