I'm Aisling. I'm a "dorkerella," on the never ending quest to be the world's greatest know-it-all. This is my story.

17 December 2004


Adventures in Livejournal!

The following entries first appeared in my Livejournal between December 17, 2004 and November 7, 2005.

My LJ... [17 Dec 2004|09:21am]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | About a million different songs playing in the background ]

Hey guys!!! Yeah, I've switched over to Livejournal since I know a bunch of people on here! I guess I'll close my DL then.... Later. Anyway, I'm at school right now. Working on my "portfolio." Ah well, I'll have plenty of time of Xmas break. Then I have broadcasting which shall be loads of nothing, and math and I have a test (I agree with Kat, what kind of evil saddistic people make you write tests on days that are supposed to be easy?), then English.

So, yeah, I just started here and already I have oodles of friends! Lol. Yes, there's Kat (moonshad0w), Katie (x_pinkribbon_x) and Anne (help_save_me).

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!

That was just some crazy laughter. Nothing to be too concerned of...

Well, I'll go now and try to figure out a way to spiffify this little thingy....


Xmas holidays are the best times for... stuff.... [20 Dec 2004|07:27pm]
[ mood | confused ]

Hey everyone. How goes it? I would just like to welcome LISSA to LJ, her s/n is dying_hope_xox. Fab username, I MUST say... although she did make me avert my eyes the half hour it took her to come up with it. *Sigh*

So, I went to the middle of nowheresville Saturday for "family Christmas" (ha ha, I even use the quotations online) which was "fun" if you know what I mean. No, actually, it was pretty damn creepy. Especially since the majority of it was spent with.... Salad Fingers *shudder*... "I like it when the red water comes out..." Anyway, in other news, I've finished Xmas shopping! Sadly, I have not finished Xmas working... which is gonna be pretty damn shitty tomorrow when all of the shoppers go crazy and starting buying stuff like... crazy, impulsive, buyer-type maniacs (ie me.).

Anyway, enough about me for today... how's everyone else? I suppose I'll have to read your guys' journals to find out, huh? Yes, I shall do that... But anyway, ttfn and Happy Xmas....


Xmas is over... and it hasn't even begun.... [24 Dec 2004|10:26pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | "Underneath This Smile" - Hilary Duff ]


So, I'm done with xmas. I opened all of my gifts tonight, as planned. I got a TV and DVD player for my room (plus a thing to attach both to my wall), the 1st season of Lizzie Mcguire on DVD (ha ha, the dorkerella strikes again!), A Cinderella Story on DVD (yup, dorkie), some magz, candy, 3$, umm..... what else? Oh yeah, Hilary Duff's latest CD (I already TOLD YOU, I'm a freakin' dork, and truthfully, I luv it ;)). Yeah, actually, my magz also have pics of Hilary on them.... so, most of my prezzies involve her.... CUZ I'M A DORK (and if you don't know this by now, you're slightly mental).

Anyway, the excitement is more-or-less over. I obviously don't eat turkey. And I'm working boxing day, which is usually my day of glory. I know most shops have boxing week sales, but it's just not the same, and really it's like getting somebody's leftovers. Ew. Ha ha.

Anyway.... I'm outie cause I have nothing else to say, except that this Hilary Duff CD is actually quite good....

Loadsa Luv Forever Baybay....

My favourite things... [24 Dec 2004|11:55pm]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | "Someone's Watching Over Me" -Hilary Duff ]

Here's a list of some of my fav things for those of you who are interested (hey, it's nearly midnight on xmas eve, cut me some slack!)

- my journal (both concrete and this one... although I'm not sure which one holds more truth...)
- music (I love music.... which I suppose runs in the family huh?)
- british boys in school uniforms (um, yeah, this is a hard one to explain, but most of you know what i find appealing...)
- words (I love words. I love how you can just put them together to create something so... ugly or scary or heart-wrenchingly beautiful... It's amazing...)
- performing (Okay, it's just fun... although I wish I could do it more often. Maybe I should organize my own variety hour?)
- honesty (yes, honesty has hurt me so many times in the past and yet I still think it's important to be honest. Unfortuently, I don't follow my values on this subject...)
- film (I adore film. I love being able to escape into a film and feel. The art is so amazing...)
- sitting here (I love just sitting, wherever, and thinking. I don't even need to be sitting. I can just drift off on a thought on a snowflake or tear drop and never come back...)
- shopping (I love shopping for obvious reasons...)
- certain people (certain people kick ass, and i love them to bits. some of these certain people know it.... but many do not... pity.)

Well, that's all I can think of at the moment.... I am rather tired.

Oh, and it's 12.04am, so HAPPY XMAS, for real this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love you all, truly, madly, deeply....


It's so late... it's tomorrow! [25 Dec 2004|03:36am]
[ mood | scared ]
[ music | "Beware the Friendly Stranger" - Boards of Canada ]

Hey guys! Welcome to Aisling: After Hours. *Rawr* Um... no actually, it's like 3.30 am. And I'm still up. And I've been up since 7. If I stay up until 7 right now, I will pull 24 hours again. But, no, I'm very tired and should probably go to bed soon...

But. I. Can't.


Because Salad Fingers is haunting my dreams. Or shall I say, nightmares? It is seriously the most disturbing thing ever. Especially "Milkman" which isn't even a Salad Fingers cartoon, but the creepiest of all in my opinion. Want to see? I'm warning you though, this is not for the faint of heart or people on serious drugs (although I was on serious alcohol when I first saw it, and I was okay). Just go to http://fat-pie.com then click "Cartoons" then pick any of the cartoons. Some (or perhaps, most) should not be viewed with a parental figure present. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh. I'm so freaked out that I forgot it's Xmas day. Scary, huh?

Well, that's all I'll say for now. Bye bye.

Loadsa luv,
Margaret Stewart-Baxter

Spied [25 Dec 2004|06:28pm]
[ mood | paranoid ]
[ music | "Hide Away" - Hilary Duff ]

Ha ha, my uncle just sort of cleaned our computer and said that someone's been spying on us. My mom replied with "wow, they must be pretty bored...ha ha. But really... wouldn't it be funny if there was a site out there, like aislingb.com with stuff that I do online and pics of me walking down the street? And an entire nerd colony that worships me? Wow. Although it is quite scary too, because who knows what these spies have read about me or my friends over MSN??? All of my secrets could be exposed! Someone could write a tell-all book and ruin my life! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 *sob*

Bonjourness! [26 Dec 2004|09:46pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | "Unspoken" - Lacuna Coil ]

Happy Boxing Day!
Loadsa Luv,
Aisling! *
Yes, I do work here. Please give me something to do.

^ That was written on a sign I taped to myself at work today. Why? Because I had been there since 8, it was 10.30, and I had only 20 people go through my till!!!! It was soooooo pathetic, I was like "Okay, I'm missing boxing day shopping so that people can NOT be here????" Puhcha. And it was SOOOOO boring most of the time, so I actually let Curtis kidnap me and I went outside to gather carts which is part of his plan for revenge (revenge against whom? revenge for what? Well, apparently it's revenge against us cashiers for making fun of his job and making him run errands for us....).

Anyway, in other news.... um.... nothing really. I'm going to Justine's tomorrow (yayyyyyyyy) for her bday (yayyyyyyyyy) and it shall be fun (yayyyyyyyy). Except I may have to work the next day so I'll hafta leave early and probably be dressed in my uniform (non-yayyyyyyyy).

And.... yeah, that's pretty much it.... I think I'll go scare myself now with le creepy Mr Fingers....

Which sounds REALLY odd if you think about it....

Okay... maybe if you think about it with my dirrty mind....

I MADE A NEW FRIEND! Actually, she's not really new but I knew her from DL. Please say hello to i_eat_penguins, the luverly Dj!!!!!! (Dj, I never knew you ate penguins... you odd girl. I thought you lived in Michigan, not Antarctica!!!!)

Au revoir
(which is Goodbye in French but actually means "At the re-see" if translated directly. I think.

Madame Tillywhack.

You make me wanna LA LA in the kitchen, on the floor.... [28 Dec 2004|11:33pm]
[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | "Ressurection" - Moist ]

Well, yesterday/ today were vair vair fun. I went to Justine's last night and it was soooo crazy and fun and such, especially when the cops showed up!

OK, I'll explain this one... we went to the park to play in the snow/ on the playground etc. And we're there and Karla found a Kokanee box, filled it with snow and was planning on dumping it on Orry. So, a few minutes later, a patrol car shows up, parks in the parking lot and you hear "Get over here, and bring your alcohol." So we're like, okay, let's go it's not worth being arrested over. So we go over and we're all laughing and I'm like "I love being a stereotype..." And then the cop asks us a bunch of questions like how old we are and if we had alcohol and what we were doing and if we've ever been in trouble with the police before. And we're answering the questions (and drooling 'cause the cop was a hottie) and they're like "Okay, well, we're not going to kick you out but keep the noise down." And we squeak "yes sir" as they drive away. Then we stand there for a bit and decide to go home. Ha ha.

Anyway, then this morning, my mother picked me up freakishly early (11 am!!!!) and then we went shopping which was obviously great since I luuuurrrve shopping with the passion of a thousand burning suns. Then I went to work and put away our Xmas decorations and swept the very disgustingly dirty floor. Ew ew ew it was gross!!!!!!!!

And that's pretty much the 411 up to now. Obviously the highlight being our not-so-near-incarceration. Pity, it would have been fun to spend the night in jail. You know, mix things up a bit....

Ta ta for now,
Some lady of higher class.....

Happy New Years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [31 Dec 2004|11:42pm]
[ mood | hyper ]
[ music | "Lissa talking on the phone" - Lissa and the Lissetttes ]

Hey all of you! So, it's New Years in a few minutes.... Yes, I am aware of that! I'm not THAT blonde. *Sigh* We're watching JOSH on his WEBCAM, which is obviously odd...

Lissa is tired.... yup. And she has to work at 10 tomorrow, and I have to work on 11.

So, we're talking to Orry on the phone which is very much fun, as you can imagine.

I'm quite bored, actually.....

Happy New Year!!!!!!

Hellloooooo [06 Jan 2005|03:19pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | "Move your body" - Nina Skye ]

Hey guys... it's been a while. A few days atleast! Ha ha. So, I'm just at school... in CALM. Fun, huh? Yup. Looking at stuff. Fun, huh? So let's see, what's been up lately????

School, of course. The end of the semester is quickly approaching and honestly, I'm terrified. I'm sure that this is the worst I've done academically in a looong time.

Other than that, I'm exhausted, people are acting oddly and I need an action plan.... Yup.

Well, time to go home!!!!

Chillin in CALM.... watching exams approach [11 Jan 2005|01:55pm]
Well, here we are, the last week of the semester. In CALM. Admidst the yelling. Learning about taxes. Can you say *yawn*/headache??? Anywayyyyy....

I want my MP3 guy player deely to work. *Hits it on table* Lol. I have all the system rqs so I don't know what's wrong.....

Study study study. That's what I have to do this week. And my ENTIRE career portfolio. Fun, fun! Atleast I only work Thursday.

Friday is my ENGLISH FINAL and that afternoon I have a Math unit test, which is TOTALLY UNFAIR.....
The school OFFICIALLY canceled classes for Friday and Monday afternoons since the schedule was all screwed up, and my math teacher is STILL making us go to her class...


Well, g2g... BYE!
[12 Jan 2005|08:17am]
[ mood | bitchy ]
[ music | "Love Song"- Scott Clifton ]

Tests suck. It's true. For example, I have finals this week and next. And on Friday I'm supposed to write my English final from 9-11 (ugh. Early), and then in the afternoon we were SUPPOSED to go to periods 3 and 4 but they cancelled that because it's really hard to go to class when all the desks are in the gym being used for exams. But NO, my math teacher insists we go to class on the Friday to write our Personal Finance unit final. ARGness.

Gie us a break people!!! I know the semester is 5 days shorter, but we're already STRESSED enough. Plus, the weather is dreadful and obviously that's affecting us aswell. -40deg. C is TOO COLD TO FUNCTION PROPERLY!!!!!


@ Home, waiting for the roof to fall.... [17 Jan 2005|08:38am]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Lacuna Coil "Comalies" CD... Don't know which track ]

Hey. Thought I'd give this a little updating. Well, it's exams week, obviously. Last day of the semester tomorrow with stupid 90 minute classes and only a 30 minute lunch break! Who thinks up the schedule in that faschist torture chamber? Definately some saddist... Anyway, I'm just sitting here, avoiding studying for math, listening to my Lacuna Coil CD.... Yup. Good times. No seriously, I love this CD so much.... And I just remembered that I NEED to buy a Muse CD, because the guys were listening to it in Broadcasting the other day, and I ADORED it.

I got paid a lovely sum the other day. Lol, 374$ but I also had to pay 12$ in TAXES!!!! Unfair, huh?!? Totally. Taxes suck.

On the bright side, I went on a huge shopping spree and bought 250$+ of stuff. Greatness. Except I'm going to have to cool it because it's slow at work for the next 3 months and I won't be doing as much.

Ummm... yeah, not much else to say....


Oh yeah... [19 Jan 2005|12:41pm]
[ mood | kinky ]
[ music | "Heaven's a Lie" - Lacuna Coil ]

Yeah, Up there *points* You may have noticed a link to my new personal site. I suggest you visit it :P I'll still be writing in this thing though, so don't think you've heard the last of me! But I also thought it would be nice to have a place where I can put stuff I've written in my journals, that has been hidden away, where it can be seen and admired by the losers out there who have time to read it. Not that you are losers, you understand. I luv you all in a purely platonic way :P

Kinnnnkkkkkkkkkyyyyyy spppooooooonnnnnnsssssss.

Sorry, that was randomosity at its best and there is a story attached to it. I want to tell you but I'm lazy, and so here is the condensed version! I was trying to explain 'kinky' to my adorable friend Vicky, and so I made a puppet show with plastic spoons... Mr. Sweet Innocent Spoon-Guy, Mr. Punk Ass Spoon, Colin, etc. And it actually turned out to be quite kinky and now I myself feel like a kinky spoon at heart. Did that make any sense? Probably not but neither does life. Aha, I'm such a philosopher it makes me all tingly. *Shiver*

But, that's enough out of moi, wouldn't you agree??? Well, you can't say anything, so shut up biznatch! Lol.

New layout!!! [21 Jan 2005|08:56am]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | "Endlessly" - Muse ]

Hey guys! You may have noticed (if you're viewing this from my actual page, and not your friends page) that I got a semi-layout up! Thanks to Kat (a.k.a Moonshad0w) for help with the style override!

Well, my math final exam is in 4 hours, and I am SOOOOOOOO frightened! I know I am going to fail it badly, and I know that my parents are going to brutally murder me. It's inevitable.

But, yeah, I suppose I'll go do something else now. Not that there's anything to do around here, but I really have nothing else to say.

Say it's okay... say I thought that love would guide us blindly.. [24 Jan 2005|09:12am]
[ mood | semi-awake ]
[ music | "Blvd of Broken Dreams" - Green Day ]

Hey. Welcome to Day 1 of supreme boredom. Lol. I mean, I ADORE having a week off from school, but I DETEST sitting a home doing nothing :P

So... what's new with me? Absolutely NOTHING. At ALL. Except I've officially decided that I am moving to Vancouver as soon as I can. It still won't be until after school, but... yeah, Vancouver is wayyyy cooler than Calgary, and it is my Hometown. Officially, atleast :P

On the non-brightside, I have a cold. *ACHOOOOO!!!!* No, it's not really that bad... I just have a sore throat. It's okay. And it's even better when I hear Matt Bellamy sing 'Time is running out'. Lmao.

*sings* Now that you know I'm trapped. Sense of elation. You'd never dream of giving up this fixationnnnn.........

Erm. Yeah. My throat is sore. *Cough*

OMG you should have seen me yesterday!!! I was having a CUTE DAY. I was sooooo cute, and my stupid little Canadian Tire uniform looked SOOOOOOO HAWT!!!!! Ha ha ha. I never thought it was possible, but it is! Probably because I am so amazing....

Well, that's all the cheerfulness I can muster up for you so early in the morning, so I'll talk to you later I guess...


Back to school... [31 Jan 2005|11:58am]
[ mood | drunk (j/k, I wish) ]

Well, here I am, first day back at school and already slacking off in Bio to update my LJ, lol. There go my good student resolutions out the window...

Anyway, report cards SUCK. I got...

English 20-1: 80
Math 20 Pure: 53
Broadcasting: 64
Career and Life Management: 82

Ewwwww, huh? Especially Math.... my parents are going to murder me!!! And this will NOT look good on my transcript. Stupid first semester. *Kicks school*

So far, we've (being Anne and I who have every class but one together) Social Studies with Mr Buchanan, which doesn't seem too horrid, and Bio with a sub because Mr Walker is in Edmonton marking diplomas. So, I haven't met him yet. In about 20 minutes we'll have lunch (yayyyy) and then Drama (triple-yayyyyyyy) then Communications Technology 10, which will suck, but I'm just taking so I have SOMETHING to take. Maybe I should drop it and re-do maths.... Hmmm....

But YESSS!S!!!!S!S!S!S! DRAMA!!!! My favourite class on the planet! I always have it second semester, so I always miss it, ALOT. But I suppose if I had it first I'd miss it during the second semester, and atleast at the end of the second semester is summer break so I don't miss it then, because it is obviously summer, and fun and stuff. Wow, that was a run-on sentence. It's only the first day of new term and I've already let my grammar slide down the toilet!!!!

Anyway, maybe I should go and actually do some of my Bio assignment.... Labelling cell diagrams and comparing energy. Yuck, yuck, yuck. It feels like we've been doing this since 9th grade (because, duh, we have).

Long timeage, no talkage [19 Feb 2005|06:33pm]
[ mood | meh ]
[ music | "Time is Running Out" - Muse ]

Hey guys. It's been a while. I'd just like to start off this entry with a mention of Cari-Lynn Gaulton, who was murdered last week. R.I.P Cari! I know I only met you a few times, but you were a great girl and will be greatly missed.

Anyway, enough with the sadness. On with the bitterness! It's SNOWING. I HATE snow. Snow is my enemy. And I have to WORK tomorrow. I hate work, it bores me to tears. Lol.

It was vair sad, because it was the first time I didn't try out for a school play, and I missed it. But I have to work, obviously, and i doubt I would have made it anyway (in fact, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have :P).

Congrats to Kat, who got into her super school! Lol. That is obviously very awesome.

Hmmm... I'm hungry. Perhaps I should go eat some microwavable-crap. Actually, it's not really crap. It's actually quite good. Goodness is good, and therefore, not crap. Uh huh.

I need to make a new header for this thang, because it is majorly boring and old, and choppy, and making me go "aaaaauuuurrrrggghhhhh." Unlike the layout I made for my personal site, featuring the film "Some Like It Hot." it's purdy, but un-coded. So, if you want to see it so far go to toxic-passion.net/ash/slih.html .

Well, that's all for now. I'll try to keep this thang more updated in the future.

WHoooooooo.... [20 Feb 2005|10:31pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | "Bzzzzzzz" - Moi ]

Heyyyyaaaaaaa guys! Lol. Well, tonight was mucho funno. And can you believe I spent it with my family?? Actually, it was more like with a bottle of spicy caesar, a karaoke machine and my family as an audience. Fabby in ways that cannot be described. My keyboard is being STUPID and the space bar isn't working properly. *kicks keyboard*

It's cold down here. But not as cold as it was when I went outside to run around a half hour ago. Now THAT was COLD.

Anyway, work was fun today. Rachael came in and quit, so they dragged in the nicely tired Cathy, who worked from 12-6 on 3 hours sleep. It wasn't too good for her. Then at the end of the day, I was off my deposit by 1 cent, so I blamed it on Kathryn, because I always do.

Mwar. I am kinda sleepy. But I'm having too much fun... Ha ha ha ha ha.

Sickie... [24 Feb 2005|07:54pm]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | You Don't Really Know Who I Am - Some chick. ]

Yup. I feel sick. Emotionally and physically. I won't get into the emotional, but, the physical is an obvious one that is worth talking about.

Chocolate. Death by Chocolate. That's the name of my biography that Liss is going to write for me after I die from all the chocolate I had today. Which was quite a bit. So, I am sick. Sucky, huh????

Anyway, ATM I am ripping songs off CDs for Hollow Men. So... that's been fun. Most of it is kind of moody, dark and depressing, which I love, naturally.

But, I've even bored myself with this entry, so I'll just be sinking back into the shadows now.

The Scottish Play at Theatre Calgary rocked. Especially the guys who came with their private schools in uniforms. Uniforms are dead shexay, and I was in heaven. Lol.

A few minutes later... [24 Feb 2005|08:32pm]

Something just isn't right.
And I know what it is,
because this happens all the time.
Prepare for the downfall
Brace for the breakdown
Follow the pattern.
Everything's the same.
[26 Feb 2005|09:11am] I have said it before, and I'll say it again... I need a new header for this deely! Lol. But, with what on it? I'll come up with something.

Until then, I'm very exhausted :P
Welcome to Biology.... [03 Mar 2005|11:51am]
Here I am again. Sitting in biology "doing a nutrition project." Typing crap. Yup. I should put my life story in the encyclopedia. The Wikipedia to be exact. It's the best one. Last year, I wrote that *censored for my protection* sucked. Duaa wrote that she is the future wife of Prince William. We say it should also be documented that we are soul sistas.

I wish it was tomorrow. Tomorrow will be fun. And tomorrow is always cool. I wish today was over, because today is uber crapola, double biology hell.

Did you know that overdoing on Vitamin E can impare your sex functions? Yeah, so LAY OFF THE BROCOLLI!

I hate Karla. She thinks she is so smart with her "Internet." It makes me sick.

Well, today is the day of nothing. Rien. Nada. Finito. Lol. There's nothing to do today. Except maybe my Napoleon project, but as Napoleon once said "I am the most boring person on Earth, and deserve to have my eyes torn out, and shoved up my ass."

He really did say it too. Check my sources. Lol.

Well, I don't have much else to say except BOOOOO!!!!! And may maggots feed on your soul until the end of your furry little life.
Cynical [12 Mar 2005|11:47pm]
[ mood | cynical ]
[ music | 'Butterflies & Hurricanes" - Muse ]

You know what sucks? Being sick. You know who sucks? Josh, for making me sick. You know what else sucks? Giant rainstorms which contribute to me being sick. Bleerrrggggeee. I don't mean to whine, but *whinnnnnnnnnney*. I worked today, and I work tommorrow, and then school starts once again on Monday. Boooo. Is it March break yet? Aauuuugggrrrhhhhh. My sinuses have chosen this time to act up, to prevent me from being able to see what it is I am writing.

It is also very cold down here in my basement.

In fact, screw me keeping you informed with the everyday joys of my life, I'm going to bed.

Wow [07 Nov 2005|09:55am]
[ mood | sick ]

Wow, I really do know how to abandon a journal, don't I??? Well, this layout is le uber shiznit. As in, it sucks.

Anyway, for those wishing for a forwarding address of sorts, my new webbie (ha ha, I just used the word "webbie" for the first time since 7th grade)is www.symphonic-love.net!

And I'll try to drop in here from time to time...



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