I'm Aisling. I'm a "dorkerella," on the never ending quest to be the world's greatest know-it-all. This is my story.
There, I'm sure we've all had scads of fun with that, huh?!?! Oh yes, pure unadulterated teenaged actors. Yum yum.
Saw "The Break Up," with Missy Lissy last night. It was a pretty typical movie, except for the end which was less typical, but more empowering in the female senses, and less brilliant for the male counterparts. Oh, shut up if you don't know what I am going on about. I am TRYING to NOT GIVE IT ALL AWAY. That's right, I'm not your movie slut.
In other news, I should start doing my math key book. I actually just remembered that I own one. Which is not a good thing, because perhaps if I had used it, I wouldn't be in this position of not knowing if I will actually pass math, or be doomed to repeat it when I return to Calgary in September of 2007. Either way.... meh.
I'm going to keep this one short, for once, because I gave you TWO entries yesterday, and NOBODY COMMENTED ON THEM (perhaps because they were indeed a bit useless).
I shall go shower now.
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