I'm Aisling. I'm a "dorkerella," on the never ending quest to be the world's greatest know-it-all. This is my story.

31 July 2006


I cleaned her kitchen gooood.

So, Saturday was my uncles funeral. It was awful- as most funerals are, generally. But it was beyond awful. The pastor was an old friend of the family (not my side, but my uncle's), but they didn't know him very well, and all he did was shout at us and talk about himself. It was so horrid, my Gram turned and looked the other way, while the rest of us stood there and whispered back and forth. Ugh. The reception was alright, I ate thousands of salmon sandwhiches, and talked to some family members. Then we went to my Aunt Joan's house, where I was eaten by mosquitos. I'm still itchy and.... ugh.

Yesterday, my mom had a bunch of her friends over, and Lissa and her mom came too. Then Orry came. And we stayed up until 3-something. Anyway, there are somethings of note, I must record here for future reference.

- I cleaned her/his/their kitchen goooood.
- Manslut / Girlwhore.
- What happens in Belgium, stays in Belgium.
- Lissa as to be a slut for me, because I can't while I'm in Canada.
- Orry paid Matt (my brother) to remember stuff for him.
- Text messages "from Orry" to Justine. "I'm more of a man than Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris has wet dreams about me."
- Orry PISSED OUT OF HIS MIND, explaining things. Feelings in his special areas.
- Orry: "Matt, you are an awesome guy." Me: "But he doesn't mean that in a gay way."
- The night Orry called us "sweetie" about 20 thousand times.
- ICE CREAAAAAAaaaam! Lissa stole Orry's (already melted) ice cream.
- Another booze bottle decorated compliments of moi.
- "Lissa, your mom's still here!" upon finding Lissa's mom in our kitchen at 12.30am- about 1.5hrs after she said she was leaving.
- Dancing to music from the piano's demo catalogue.
- Singing my song about Bob. "I had a friend named Bobbbbbbbb. He went awayyyyyyyyy. With his wifeeeeeeee. He left me herrrrrrreeeeee."

Um... that's all I can remember! Lol. Now we're gonna go play THE LAW AND ORDER GAME, and the COMPUTER GAME OF LIFEEEEEeeeee. (Both of which I will probably stink at.)

Au revoir!


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