I'm Aisling. I'm a "dorkerella," on the never ending quest to be the world's greatest know-it-all. This is my story.
Well, what a week! In fact, it wasn't even a week, but only 3 days! Lol.
It started off on Tuesday evening when my cousin Kayla came down with her friends Tarah (whom I've known for a long time), Hillary (whom I've known since last family dig) and Mikey (whom I didn't know at all, but got to know during his drunken escapade!). They came to see Kenny Chesney. After Lissa was done work we picked her up, and baked cake (as in, Lissa baked cake). Then when the Chesneyers came back, we ate said cake, and stayed up to, oh, about 3 am.
The next morning we woke up, and had Stampede breakfast at my house. Pancakes and so much sausage I probably gained 1kg! And Lissy got sick, which was sad, but then she got better, which was good! After Kayla, Tarah and Hillary went for rides on the motorcycle, they all left. Lissa went to her optometrist appointment with my dad, and I had a shower. Then Liss came back and everyone went for a nap. Then we woke up and it was time to get ready to go see Wide Mouth Mason at Ranchmans!
Oh my God, the show was amazing!

Me, Shaun and Lissa in our celebratory "18" photo.

Look how sweaty he is! Lol.
Then, yesterday we went to Kananaskis to drop some stuff off where Kay and her family were camping! And we had ice cream. And I promised never to release this photo to the public.

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