I'm Aisling. I'm a "dorkerella," on the never ending quest to be the world's greatest know-it-all. This is my story.
A few weeks ago I was watching 'Tyra,' because I love Tyra, and there was a guy that, before he had plastic surgery to look like Brad Pitt, said he was so ugly, e would shower in the dark. To which, I wondered "WTF?"
So, today, as in 15 minutes ago, in a fit of researchness, and because I needed a shower, I gave it a go.
Firstly, after having turned off the lights, I had difficulty actually finding the shower. Luckily, I'd thought ahead to turn on the water, so my sense of hearing was at work, and navigated me safely to my destination. After I had got used to my surroundings, and had found the radio, my eyes started to adjust a bit. However, this freaked me out, because it made the shadows move, which was just scary. However, once my eyes adjusted, I realized the light under the door was quite helpful to allow me to see, if only a tiny bit. I fret to imagine what may have happened had I become scientific and in need of a shower in the late evening.
I found my shampoo and conditioner and soap easily- they were in their same exact spots as when I shower with the lights on, fascinating! My face wash was a more difficult problem, because someone had moved it. After feeling around a bit, and knocking a heavy bottle of shaving gel on my foot- ouch, I might add, I located it, and used it with swift efficiency.
After that, I took some time to reflect on my experiment. I decided against shaving my legs, because I am prone to injuring myself when everything is illuminated. I definately didn't want to risk slicing open my jugular or anything, by attempting to work sharp razors. Then Christina Aguilera "Aint No Other Man," came on the radio (before there had only been advertisements), so I had a quick dance, which was alright. Except then Nick Lachey came on, and you know how emotional he is lately- it was beginning to make my shower too emo. So, I turned him off (sorry Nick), and manoeuvred my way out of the shower without slipping or walking into out glass shower door.
When all is done, it wasn't a bad experience, although I wouldn't recommend it. For those who don't want to see themselves when they shower, I would suggest they take down the mirror some idiot must have left in there.
Labels: Exposé