I'm Aisling. I'm a "dorkerella," on the never ending quest to be the world's greatest know-it-all. This is my story.
... I wonder how that happened?
Anyway, today is Tuesday. Tuesday of THE WEEK. I expect my placement thingies to arrive either Wednesday, Thursday or Friday because of the obvious 3000+ kilometres between Montreal and Calgary. So, yes... no news from the Katima-front yet.
Well, I don't really have much to say, because everything that has happened has happened and I'm not really focused on it anymore.
Dinner with amigos on Saturday was fun. Umm... Me, Justine, Reese (now also known as Justine's boyfriend), Karla, Shiela (Justine's friend), Shane (Shiela's boyfriend), Cam and Alex (Cam's friend) all kicked it at Baja, close to Justine's house. Somehow I got wasted on a Smirnoff Ice and a Paralyzer, which gave me great joy when I went to the bathroom which was decorated in a quazi-mexi-style with flowers. Except that I went into the handicapped stall and couldn't reach the toilet paper. Oh, and Justine left me in the bathroom so I was screaming "Juuussstttttiiiiiinnnnneee!" But it all wore off quite fast, especially when I washed it down with some uber fantastic chocolate cake (that I shared with Karla so I wouldn't die). And then we went to the park and played some of it off. But then there was some drama that I won't get into, because who cares, really, and I had to pee but nobody would come with me and it was dark, so I called my dad to come pick me up at about 8.30ish. (YES it was PITCH BLACK at 8.30ish!!!) I was completely exausted, probably as a result of being up early to volunteer and then being drawn to Bridget Jones's Diary when I should have gone for a nap.
So, back to techno. My fav song right now = Fable by Robert Miles. But I also luurve the DJ Epic remix!
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