I'm Aisling. I'm a "dorkerella," on the never ending quest to be the world's greatest know-it-all. This is my story.
So, I hardly remember yesterday, ha ha. And I guess I'll tell the whole story, because stories are way cooler if you know how they begin.
My friend Alyson, whom I worked with at ye old Crappy Tire, won a limo thing to go to Mynt Ultralounge on 9th. So, she was calling me and stuff, but my phone was being a poo-head, and yeah... On Tuesday night, I went to bed at 9.30! Wha-??!!? Lol. Later, my cell rang. And I thought it was my alarm and that it was 6am. So, I pick it up, turn off the alarm and lay there all upset because I feel like crap, and I'm soooo tired. So, I fall back asleep. Then a bit later I wake up in a panic like "OMG I'M GOING TO BE LATE FOR WORK!!!!!" And I check my phone again, and the clock says 12.00am. After being confused for a bit, I check my missed calls, and see that Aly had called me. So, I had hung up on her thinking it was my alarm! I went back to sleep, and when I woke up I sent her a text to tell her what had happened, so she told me she'd won some club thing, and I said I'd call at 8.30-ish. Then I went to call when I was on the bus, and although my battery display said full it went "battery low," and shut off! CRAPPPPP was my exact sentiment. So, I get to work at 8.45-ish, and call my brother, Matt, to get him to get Aly's number for me. AND LO AND BEHOLD SHE IS IN MY ADDY BOOK BUT THERE ARE NO NUMBERS FOR HER!!! I am running around like a loon, and Jana and John (work people) are laughing at me. Then I ran across the store to Special Services to use their directory, and luckily Aly's last name is weird, so she's the only one! So, I called her and was really hyper talking to her while she was really tired. I got all the deets, and then I worked from 9 to 3, and got home at 4.30 because the busses around here are stupid.
At 7.30-ish I went over to her house, which is like 5 minutes from mine, and we all (as in, Aly, Ryan, Dianna, another girl who's name I've forgotten- sorry hunny!- and I) waited for the limo and another girl named Morgan. So, then it came, and voila here come some limo pics!
Aly looking cool in front of the limo, outside of her house.

The ladies that made Ladies' Night a legendary event!

A classic photo of me being reflected in the mirrored ceiling of the limo.
When we arrived we were greeted by some quite yummy staff and champagne and chocolate covered strawberries!
Dude, who ate all the berries?
Morgan and I hit the champagne pretty hard.
For the most part it was a blast! 2$ drinks until 10.30!!!! I had so many, I didn't even use my free drink tickets! Which is tragic, obviously! Anyway, we pretty much danced the night away, and took latin dance lessons! Lol. I am so pro at the salsa when I'm sober (i.e. not last night).
Random photo of Dianna, Aly and moi.

Dianna and I in a bathroom. Haha. Don't ask.

So, lots of other stuff happened last night, but we won't get into that. Lmao. Overall it was a "blast and a half," as Dianna put it while yelling into her phone at "the boy she has a crush on."
Definitely a night to remember. Especially since it was my "last hurrah before Katimavik," spur-of-the-moment night.
Labels: Journal, Photos