I'm Aisling. I'm a "dorkerella," on the never ending quest to be the world's greatest know-it-all. This is my story.

27 December 2006



Okay, so here are some fabulous pictures!!!
This is Joelle and I when we went to make hampers for a dinner thing before Christmas. Please note my Harry Potter scarf, which I luurrve.

Here is me and Sean preparing the stuffing for Felix, our turkey:

This is Joelle and I in one of our many slutty Christmas pictures, some of which are too intense to post here... ha ha, just kidding, I'm just too lazy:
This is me looking cute and angelic after church, and Joelle.
Here's a nice group picture!

Okay, so that's all for right now! As you can see, Christmas was hecka fun!! Oh, and to answer some Lissa questions: For the most part, when I say "Vernon," or "Salmon Arm," in the context that they are coming here, I am referring to the group. Unless I am on a massive amount of illegal drugs. And tubing is snow tubing, obviously, not tubing as in what we did at the lake two summers ago. Snow tubing, because I live in the mountains and it is winter.

Anyway, I'd better go, because Vernon is coming soon, I think, and there is a looooong line to use the computer.

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24 December 2006


Tattoos and Christmas

Okay, so firstly, on Friday, I got a tatoo!!! Here's a fab picture of it:

I think it's awesome! Ha ha. It hurts a bit though...

Also, Annie and I made a fantastic Christmas video/ house tour. Check it out on YOU TUBE!!!


Here's what we're up to tonight:

In about a half hour we're going to a church service at Immaculate Conception on Sutherland. Then we're coming home and chillaxing for a bit. Then we're eating dinner at MIDNIGHT. Yayyyyyyy. Then we're doing the dishes.... NOT Yayyyyyyyy. Then bed time. Then we're waking up to open pressies at 9am! And eat more fantastic food! Then in the afternoon we're building a snowman and having a snowball fight (Kelowna got a MASSIVE amount of snow yesterday. It's so soft and fluffy, and still only -5 degrees, so FANTASTIC). Then making gingerbread, so we can make gingerbread houses!!!! Or a gingerbread sub-division, as it is referred to.

So, yes, hope it all goes well, and I hope you have as fantastic Xmas as we have planned!!! Ha ha ha.

MUCH LOVE, and I wish all of you were here!!!!!

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21 December 2006


Pretty much some more photos!

Okay, so here are some photos from a random trip to McDonalds and back that I went on with Annie, Steve, Rob and Nick! They're not in order, and these are not all of them. Actually, for the most part, they're just the ones with me in them. Ha ha, I am so self-centered.

This is a picture of me, kissing a scupture of a random sitting man:

This is Nick, Me and Rob karate-kicking with the karate statue:

This is Annie having a great time riding the Ogopogo:

This is Nick being bitten by the Ogopogo while me and The Big O, as I like to call him, cuddle up:

This is me, Steve and Rob imitating the little fruit boy on the sign:

This is me "Captain Morgan-ing It" on a fruit sculpture near the orcard and wine museums:

This is me on a large infinity sign that spins, near the downtown library:
This is me, looking evil, with my arch-nemisis, the turtle that lives near the library:
This is me, Rob, Nick and Annie imitating the running men thingy (which you can't see because it's dark) at Queensway (the downtown bus loop-type thing).
So, that's it! Fun, huh? I'd write about more stuff... but.... meh, I'm lazy!!! One more day of work before Xmas "break." (We don't actually get a break, we just do activities ALL WEEK.) And then I'm House Manager from teh 1st to the 7th, so I'm actually not back at work until the 8th of January! Fantastic!!!

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20 December 2006



I'm mad.

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16 December 2006


Our nature walk...

So, today, we went on a NATURE WALK. And here are some photos!!
This is us on a bench! -

This is us at the 1km mark!-

Here I am by the lake!-

Here we are spelling KATIMAVIK!! -

Oh, and here's Ron all decorated!-

Oh, and we now have new girl named Annie! And we're getting ANOTHER guy named Nick! Nick#2!!! Okay, anyway, Vernon should be here soon, so I'll go! Bye!

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15 December 2006


Fucking crazy men...

Holy fuck, I am freaked out.

Tonight after work I was supposed to go to Parkinson Recreation Centre to volunteer for a dance thing. But I got home from work 5 minutes after everyone left, and they thought I was going to meet them there. But I don't know how to get there, so I waited outside, and hoped for someone to come home. After an hour, I noticed a guy walking in front of my house. He went back and forth a few times, and I was like 'Ok, that's weird.' So I headed toward Richter, because it's a busy, kind of highway, which connects to Highway 97, and it's kind of lit up, so that's where I went. And the man kept following me!!! So, I walked really fast up 3 blocks or so, and he caught up to me and grabbed my arm! So, I just bolted in the opposite direction, without looking back, and then jumped on a random bus, because it was the only thing I could think of doing. By the time I realized what the hell had happened, I didn't know where the hell I was, so the bus driver told me to just stay on the bus until we got back downtown. So, I did that, and then I ran home all paranoid, and burst through the door, and Joanne was there. She'd called loads of people, and was afraid I had been abducted or had got sick on the way home.

Anyway, I'm alright, but it was soooooo fucking scary.

And before that, at work, I mailed out 500 letters for people in the Kootneys for a CNIB Open House, and one of them was for my step-grandmother's mother. So, like, my step-great-grandmother. Crazy huh?

Okay, THAT'S IT for me, I'm going to go curl up into a ball and be scared.

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13 December 2006


Photos from Stuff

So, here are photos, like I promised:
Here's me looking drunk before going swimming on Saturday:

Here's me pretending to cut down Ron (our Xmas tree):

Here is Joanne, Alex and I with some trees:

Here's a group shot of all of us at the farm:

Here's Sean looking like a lumberjack after cutting down Ron:
Here's Alex and I cozying up to the Katimavik sign:

Okay, that's all I have time for!!! BYE

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12 December 2006


I have to pee, but instead I'll blog...

So, yeah, that's what's up, I suppose!

So, this past weekend was as fun as a fun thingy. On Saturday we went swimming, and luckily my thighs did not eat the little children!!! Score. It was fun, but I had a dizzy episode after,which caused the night to be a black abyss of nothing. I slept from about 7.30pm to 10am. On Sunday we went to a farm and cut down our Xmas tree, whose name is Ron. Yesterday morning, I got out of bed and felt like shit, so I went toward the door, and slammed into it, and slammed to the floor. Then Joanne found me, and put me back to bed, and I slept until noon. Then Joanne took Sophie and I to the doctor. Sophie has an ear infection. I have migraines that keep progressing. Fantastic. Today, I apparently woke up and sat in the hallway with Joanne because my head hurt. But I don't remember any of this. In short, I haven't been to work so far this week. But I am going tomorrow.

I have loads of new photos, but I am too lazy to post them, so I will in my next post! Possibly tomorrow!

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08 December 2006


And that's how I got my nickname...

Hey guys, funny story. So, my name is Aisling, which many of you may know is said like "Ashleen." Because of this A LOT (i.e. most) people call me "Ash." This is no different here. Except that it seems to have confused some of the francophones that I live with. And because of this, I have a new name...



You see, in French, the letter "h" is also pronounced like "ash." So that is my new name, as demonstrated by my bagel that was labelled this morning as "Sexy H" by the luverly Alex.

In other news, last night we took CNIB impact training, which was a lot of fun. During the guiding exercises (learning how to guide blind people) I kind of cheated by telling Alex exactly where to go since I obviously know the building pretty well, since I work there. The whole course was quite interesting and I learned tonnes. I've also been learning lots at work in general. For example, just from shredding dead files, I have learned so much about eye diseases and deficiencies. It's all really cool, and weird, and kind of scary.

Tonight I was really sick for a while, but then I kind of got better so Joelle, Alex, Jade and I went to Orchard Park (which is a giant mall), and I bought a swimsuit because we're going swimming tomorrow for this week's physical activity. We had to take a taxi and a bus because Joanne is on her 24 hours off, so we had nobody to drive us. But it wasn't too bad. The taxi only cost us 2$ each, and we have bus passes that were donated by the city. It's true what they say about this city's bus system though- it's awful!!!

Well, that's pretty much all I have to say today, other than, if I promised you letters, I'm sending them out soon, I promise!!! I have so many stamps and envelopes just waiting to be used! So, watch your mailboxes!!!

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05 December 2006


Welcome party!

Yesterday was our welcome party, and it was pretty lame. Ha ha. At 6 everyone came, brought yummy food, ate it, and left at 7. A past participant named Brad brought us icecream, so that was great! We love icecream, judging by the amount of containers piling up by our recycling.

It's 7.45am, so I have to go to work soon. Hopefully, today I will be starting my telephone survey. It'll be surprisingly helpful to me, as some of you may know, I have issues calling people on the phone. I HATE IT. So, hopefully this will break me of that patheticness.

Tonight all the francophones (i.e. All the girls, except me) have English class, so us anglos have free time, so I will have to finish up all my letters to send out, and maybe work on some committee stuff... OH- and go for a shower! Yesssss.

Well, that's all I can think of to write actually. I should maybe go make sure the House Managers made my lunch!!! Adios (pantalos!)

Okay, here are some pictures (hopefully, if they'll upload)

This is a mysterious Katimavik symbol that magically showed up in my pizza one night!!

This is a blurry picture of my group (minus Sophie, because she was taking the picture) and the Ogopogo!

This is my bed. Ooooer. Lol. It's messy, and undecorated, because I actually put up loads of pics after this pic was taken!

This is a picture of me setting my nose on fire.

Alex, Me, Rob and Steve volunteering at Propera Place on 4 Dec.

This is me at Prospera Place on 4 Dec. Helping out in the Kids' Zone.

Last but not least, a picture of me with JAZZ HANDS!!!!! YEsssss.

Have a good night!

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03 December 2006


Volunteering at Prospera Place... Yup.

So, today, we.... you guessed it- volunteered at Prospera Place! It was a thing for the food bank, with free skating and stuff. I handed out hot chocolate (and didn't drink any!) and coloured in the Kids' Zone. Oh, and I wrote my letter to Santa!!! But I won't tell you what I wished for, or it won't come true... or is that something different? Anyway, the point is, it was an alright day. Except we didn't get to keep the hats.

I wanted to post some pictures, but I am too lazy right now, so too bad for you!

Tomorrow is our welcome party, so it shall be party-ish. You all should totally come, <3.

Tonight is our weekly House Meeting. Booooorrriiiinnnng.

I have pictures from home on the wall by my bed, so I can stare at some of you before I go to bed. There are about 20,000 pictures of Lissa- ha ha, not really, but close! Oh, and the Kayla-with-popsicle picture is definitely up there for everyone to enjoy!

That's it! Keep the stellar comments coming!!! I love them, and I love all of you!!!

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