I'm Aisling. I'm a "dorkerella," on the never ending quest to be the world's greatest know-it-all. This is my story.

24 December 2006


Tattoos and Christmas

Okay, so firstly, on Friday, I got a tatoo!!! Here's a fab picture of it:

I think it's awesome! Ha ha. It hurts a bit though...

Also, Annie and I made a fantastic Christmas video/ house tour. Check it out on YOU TUBE!!!


Here's what we're up to tonight:

In about a half hour we're going to a church service at Immaculate Conception on Sutherland. Then we're coming home and chillaxing for a bit. Then we're eating dinner at MIDNIGHT. Yayyyyyyy. Then we're doing the dishes.... NOT Yayyyyyyyy. Then bed time. Then we're waking up to open pressies at 9am! And eat more fantastic food! Then in the afternoon we're building a snowman and having a snowball fight (Kelowna got a MASSIVE amount of snow yesterday. It's so soft and fluffy, and still only -5 degrees, so FANTASTIC). Then making gingerbread, so we can make gingerbread houses!!!! Or a gingerbread sub-division, as it is referred to.

So, yes, hope it all goes well, and I hope you have as fantastic Xmas as we have planned!!! Ha ha ha.

MUCH LOVE, and I wish all of you were here!!!!!

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:S so what were you doing when I called??? My bet is on the snowball fight.
Hope you had a good christmas!!!

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