I'm Aisling. I'm a "dorkerella," on the never ending quest to be the world's greatest know-it-all. This is my story.
Okay, before we get to mountains, this is me yielding cleaner, and showing off my pretty white non-latex gloves (thus, the crown):

Here I am with Joanne, during the Risk game last night. She is mad at Gwobs because he was being a Risk jerk. Obviously I quite like my sweater, because today is my third day in a row of wearing it:

This is me near a fence on a mountain, which obviously was a photo op:

Watch Out! Active bears live here!!!:

Ash in the City. Or, above it, actually:

Group shot!:

So, yes, today we climbed a mountain. It was actually pretty! I also made a movie! When it's uploaded I will post a link!!!
Edit:// Oh... oh.... here it is!
Labels: Journal, Katimavik, Kelowna, Photos