I'm Aisling. I'm a "dorkerella," on the never ending quest to be the world's greatest know-it-all. This is my story.

08 February 2007


Once the room stops spinning....

I'm slightly worried, because I've been very dizzy the last while. Usually, I'm dizzy before I get a mirgraine, but I've been dizzy the last week or so, with no migraine in sight. I can barely stand to sit on the chair I'm on, because the room spins when I'm this high off the floor (2 feet). I walk into walls at home. It's weird.

Maybe I'm stressed. Or tired. Okay, I know I'm tired today. I was outside in the "English Club," until midnight last night. Then we ate some fried chicken. Then I tried to stay up while Gwobs watched a movie on Genetically Modified Organisms for his work, but it was boring and 2am, so I went to bed. This morning I got up, and Gwobs was passed out in the living room. He didn't know how he got there, but he had done 8 slides. And everytime it was supposed to say "patent," it said "paten." So, I went through and editted it a bit, because obviously presentations at 4am make him unable to spell.

Oh my God, presentations are taking over my life! Tomorrow is the conference I mentioned last entry. I'm really excited, I wrote my little speech thing today, and I think it's quite good. But I haven't really thought about our Final Presentation, so I'm freaking out! I mean, writing my thing for tomorrow was fine- because it's just me. But planning a presentation for 11 people to be involved in?!?! Different story. Also, I got an e-mail today from the career center at the Okanagan Misson High School, and they would like me to do a presentation. I WOULD LOVE TO DO IT, but time is running out! Hopefully it will work out though!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh.

So, yes, I'm just a tad bit stressed, I suppose. I think my mom is going to the doctor today as well. I wonder if she's back yet. My cousin Kayla and my Auntie Cathy are visiting my family in Calgary this weekend I think, so that will be nice for them. I will be in Vancouver, obviously, which is another thing I'm sort of stressing, since I want the excursion to be perfect! I think it will be though, because the only thing we were worried about was paying for Science World, but we got a letter in the mail yesterday, and they are giving us an AMAZING discount!

Also, I am sad today. Don't ask me why, because I don't know. I just feel a bit down. Like I'm sort of disconnected from everyone. I suppose it will get better when I get home tonight and see everyone! They're such great people I live with!!! Sometimes I miss them when I'm at work bored out of my mind. Also, Anny's back tomorrow night, and I've missed her TONS. I talked to her for a bit last night, so that was good.

Anyway, I'm going to go and find something else to do now! I still have an hour and a half left of work!!!! Gahhhhhhh!!!!

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