I'm Aisling. I'm a "dorkerella," on the never ending quest to be the world's greatest know-it-all. This is my story.
I just found one of my blogs from grade 11. You may know that I've been blogging since grade 7, and I've always regretted not sticking to one blog, or saving it ot anything because I'd like to see how I've changed. So, anyway, here's what was on my mind in Spring 2005:
Well, today is the day of nothing. Rien. Nada. Finito. Lol. There's nothing to do today. Except maybe my Napoleon project, but as Napoleon once said "I am the most boring person on Earth, and deserve to have my eyes torn out, and shoved up my ass." He really did say it too. Check my sources. Lol. Well, I don't have much else to say except BOOOOO!!!!! And may maggots feed on your soul until the end of your furry little life.-----------
The Scottish Play at Theatre Calgary rocked. Especially the guys who came with their private schools in uniforms. Uniforms are dead shexay, and I was in heaven.-----------Hmmm... I'm hungry. Perhaps I should go eat some microwavable-crap. Actually, it's not really crap. It's actually quite good. Goodness is good, and therefore, not crap. Uh huh.-----------
OMG you should have seen me yesterday!!! I was having a CUTE DAY. I was sooooo cute, and my stupid little Canadian Tire uniform looked SOOOOOOO HAWT!!!!! Ha ha ha. I never thought it was possible, but it is! Probably because I am so amazing....-----------Kinnnnkkkkkkkkkyyyyyy spppooooooonnnnnnsssssss.Sorry, that was randomosity at its best and there is a story attached to it. I want to tell you but I'm lazy, and so here is the condensed version! I was trying to explain 'kinky' to my adorable friend Vicky, and so I made a puppet show with plastic spoons... Mr. Sweet Innocent Spoon-Guy, Mr. Punk Ass Spoon, Colin, etc. And it actually turned out to be quite kinky and now I myself feel like a kinky spoon at heart. Did that make any sense? Probably not but neither does life. Aha, I'm such a philosopher it makes me all tingly. *Shiver*-----------Happy Boxing Day!Loadsa Luv,Aisling! * Yes, I do work here. Please give me something to do.^ That was written on a sign I taped to myself at work today. Why? Because I had been there since 8, it was 10.30, and I had only 20 people go through my till!!!! It was soooooo pathetic, I was like "Okay, I'm missing boxing day shopping so that people can NOT be here????" Puhcha. And it was SOOOOO boring most of the time, so I actually let Curtis kidnap me and I went outside to gather carts which is part of his plan for revenge (revenge against whom? revenge for what? Well, apparently it's revenge against us cashiers for making fun of his job and making him run errands for us....).-----------Anyway, just thought I'd share! I'm outtie now!
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