I'm Aisling. I'm a "dorkerella," on the never ending quest to be the world's greatest know-it-all. This is my story.

03 October 2007


Gone Pink!

You may notice that there is even MORE pink than usual around here these days! That is because October is the month for breast cancer awareness, which is a very important cause, because breast cancer is a non-discriminatory disease, which means that it can affect anyone.

You may not know as well, the story about the daffodils in the header image (which is the same one that's been around for a few weeks now). Daffodils are my favourite flower, and I've always received a bunch on my birthday from my parents. The reason for this, is that, in spring, the Canadian Cancer Society hold their daffodil campaign, and they sell daffodils for cancer research.

Personally, I have never had an experience with cancer, and neither have any of my family members, but it is a very scary disease, that could happen to myself or someone I love one day. While I also like to give to other causes such as AIDS research, it is not as likely for me to acquire this disease, as long as I take care of myself. This is not the case with breast cancer.

Random Fact of the Day: It is important to be informed about breast cancer. Please visit the following sites for more information:


It's such a good cause. Since... my aunt died from breast cancer and my mum has had breast cancer twice in her life. :/ I try to avoid foods known to have associations with breast cancer.
Okay I have to say your previous entry about celeb layouts and pictures literally made my day. Thanks for that :P Anyway the whole pink/breast cancer thing is really cool and such a great thing to do! Miss you and everyone from TP loads...let's set a date for the reunion chat, mmkay?
I think I'm scared of supporting one cause when there are so many out there. What about prostate cancer? Lung cancer? Lukemia?

On the other hand, I just can't be bothered. I haven't been personally affected by cancer, so I don't really care >., (even though I should!).
I am also Pink for October. I don't know anyone who have had breast cancer but I have lost a family member to cancer and I know a few survivors too.

A lot of diseases deserves extra awareness but one step is one :) Have a great October.
To be honest I don't understand why all this happens in October, why not in January, February or throughout the rest of the year? I don't think it brings extra awarity of breast cancer, at least, it doesn't to me. To some people it's very personal and I repect that, and my mum's aunt has had breast cancer, but I'm not sure what the fuss is all about - shouldn't people try to find a cure for cancer all the time, not just in October, and be aware of it at all times?
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