I'm Aisling. I'm a "dorkerella," on the never ending quest to be the world's greatest know-it-all. This is my story.

31 July 2006


I cleaned her kitchen gooood.

So, Saturday was my uncles funeral. It was awful- as most funerals are, generally. But it was beyond awful. The pastor was an old friend of the family (not my side, but my uncle's), but they didn't know him very well, and all he did was shout at us and talk about himself. It was so horrid, my Gram turned and looked the other way, while the rest of us stood there and whispered back and forth. Ugh. The reception was alright, I ate thousands of salmon sandwhiches, and talked to some family members. Then we went to my Aunt Joan's house, where I was eaten by mosquitos. I'm still itchy and.... ugh.

Yesterday, my mom had a bunch of her friends over, and Lissa and her mom came too. Then Orry came. And we stayed up until 3-something. Anyway, there are somethings of note, I must record here for future reference.

- I cleaned her/his/their kitchen goooood.
- Manslut / Girlwhore.
- What happens in Belgium, stays in Belgium.
- Lissa as to be a slut for me, because I can't while I'm in Canada.
- Orry paid Matt (my brother) to remember stuff for him.
- Text messages "from Orry" to Justine. "I'm more of a man than Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris has wet dreams about me."
- Orry PISSED OUT OF HIS MIND, explaining things. Feelings in his special areas.
- Orry: "Matt, you are an awesome guy." Me: "But he doesn't mean that in a gay way."
- The night Orry called us "sweetie" about 20 thousand times.
- ICE CREAAAAAAaaaam! Lissa stole Orry's (already melted) ice cream.
- Another booze bottle decorated compliments of moi.
- "Lissa, your mom's still here!" upon finding Lissa's mom in our kitchen at 12.30am- about 1.5hrs after she said she was leaving.
- Dancing to music from the piano's demo catalogue.
- Singing my song about Bob. "I had a friend named Bobbbbbbbb. He went awayyyyyyyyy. With his wifeeeeeeee. He left me herrrrrrreeeeee."

Um... that's all I can remember! Lol. Now we're gonna go play THE LAW AND ORDER GAME, and the COMPUTER GAME OF LIFEEEEEeeeee. (Both of which I will probably stink at.)

Au revoir!


25 July 2006


I hold tight to what I know...

This is a post I tried to send through e-mail, but it never got here:

"Yup, this is just a quickie. I survived Home Depot's two-day orientation! Whew. Now I have a bunch of in-store department-specific training, which starts tomorrow at 8.

On Saturday night we drove to Camrose, to visit my uncle, because they thought he was going to die that night. He didn't though, and now he's sitting up and they're sending him home, and he'll have home care for the next bit. I saw Ethan (my baby 2nd cousin) there- he is the cutest kid in the world! He's so blonde! Awwwww. Anyway, the 3 hour drive there wasn't bad, because I was exausted from orientation, so it was relaxing, but the 3 hours back were torture, because I wanted to sleep, but I couldn't really. And I had to get up at 6 the next morning, which was not fun. I practically fell asleep in the shower!

Anyway, gotta go! "

Today was my first official day of work. Six hours on a computer learning stuff I mainly knew how to do! It was excrutiating! They did send me home a bit early because I got loads done.

Then, I got home, and found out my uncle died.

So... yeah. Not much to say on that. He'd just got home too, like I said in the above paragraphs, this morning, and he died by early this afternoon. We'll be going to Camrose soon, but I don't know when.

I work tomorrow from 10-7, and then Saturday from 11-8. Not bad. My first paycheque on the 5th of August will be alright.

Anyway, I'm going to go now. Later.


21 July 2006


"Improving everything I touch..."

... will become my latest past-time. Yup, I got the job at Home Depot. Now I have to endure 2 days of orientation at the Beacon Hill store, from 8 am to 5 pm. Then a whole lot of training at the Country Hills store. I'll be working right next door to my former-work-dwelling, Canadian Tire. So, my whole plan to work somewhere more convenient to bus to, kind of backfired.

I also need STEEL-TOED BOOTS! Joy! Why can't they be prettier?

On the bright side I make 9.50$/hr, which is 2.50$/hr more than I made at Canadian Tire. Which apparently is a testament to how much richer American businesses are compared to Canadian businesses. That's also a bit disappointing, because I do enjoy supporting Canadian companies, and now I am an American-corporate-whore, of sorts.

Ah well, we must always focus on the real issue at hand- money, and all the goodness it implies.

I'm NOT THAT GREEDY THOUGH, gosh, I'm doing a 9 month volunteer-ish program! Give me a few seconds of selfishness!


20 July 2006


Confused beyond recklessness...

Well, I had an interview at The Home Depot yesterday, and thought I totally sucked.

I must have good references though, because I got a third interview.

Three interviews? It's insane. In my opinion. It's like... American Idol, or something.

Will I be voted off the island?

Ah well, I'm only in it for the money anyways.

In other news, they gave my uncle 2 months to live. I don't remember if I mentioned anything about this before...

Anyway, at first they thought it was Hep C, and gave him 6-8 months. Then it was 4-6 months. Then they found out it's liver cancer. 2 months. I can't get into details because I've managed to go on so far without becoming too emotional. All I know is that we're being told to go visit ASAP.

That's it out of me! Thought this thing needed some love. Sorry if it depressed anyone.


16 July 2006



I. Am. So. Bored.

And Lissy, if you read this, you left a bunch of your stuff at my house.

Oh, and the 'h' on my keyboard is broken, so I have to practically stomp on it for it to work. Idiot.


14 July 2006


You said it's dinner with your sister, SWEETIE.

Well, what a week! In fact, it wasn't even a week, but only 3 days! Lol.

It started off on Tuesday evening when my cousin Kayla came down with her friends Tarah (whom I've known for a long time), Hillary (whom I've known since last family dig) and Mikey (whom I didn't know at all, but got to know during his drunken escapade!). They came to see Kenny Chesney. After Lissa was done work we picked her up, and baked cake (as in, Lissa baked cake). Then when the Chesneyers came back, we ate said cake, and stayed up to, oh, about 3 am.

The next morning we woke up, and had Stampede breakfast at my house. Pancakes and so much sausage I probably gained 1kg! And Lissy got sick, which was sad, but then she got better, which was good! After Kayla, Tarah and Hillary went for rides on the motorcycle, they all left. Lissa went to her optometrist appointment with my dad, and I had a shower. Then Liss came back and everyone went for a nap. Then we woke up and it was time to get ready to go see Wide Mouth Mason at Ranchmans!

Oh my God, the show was amazing!
Shaun Verreault

Me, Shaun and Lissa in our celebratory "18" photo.

Look how sweaty he is! Lol.

Then, yesterday we went to Kananaskis to drop some stuff off where Kay and her family were camping! And we had ice cream. And I promised never to release this photo to the public.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


10 July 2006


Motorcycles and Chocolate Waves

Well, as I say (as of today) "New week, new look." No, not entirely, but whatever.

Remember last week when I got BANGS?!?! Well, now my hair is a completely different colour!

Yup.... [On a side note: compare my photo on 30 June with now. My bangs have grown SO MUCH in SO LITTLE time. They're taking over! They're aliiiiiiiiive.]

In other news, I just went for a ride on my father's new MOTORCYCLE. And MIGHT I SAY, it was SCARY. I just went around Hidden Valley and I was SURE there were moments I was going to die!!! Especially since it broke down twice today. I know they got it all fixed, but everytime we slowed down, I was like "oh great, it's broken, now I'm gonna topple onto the pavement and DIEEEEE" but nothing happened. I did look pretty cool with my hair whipping behind me though. For one millisecond I forgot how terrified I was and thought about how cool I looked, but then we headed head-first down a hill, so I went back to mildly squealing. At one point my dad asked me how I was doing, and I responded "Scared. Don't talk to me." Ha ha. He's so excited though, like a kid at Christmas. He couldn't even sleep last night!!!! Now him and my mother have gone off to cruise around town and possibly relive their youth- my dad had a motorcycle about 20 years ago when he met my mom. How cute.

Anyway, that's it for now! I have some snaps from Stampede, but I can't be bothered to upload them and wait for blogger to stick them on here, so I'll do it later when I have absolutely nothing to do.

Hasta La Vista BAYBAY.


08 July 2006


Stampede and Cadets Fever

I did the Stampede thing yesterday. For those who don't know what it is, please refer to http://www.calgarystampede.com .

It was fine for most of the day- rides, food, etc. However, sometime around 6 I started to feel ill. By 8.30ish I decided to go home. I resisted throwing up everywhere, so that was good. Unfortuently, my nose started randomly bleeding at the Beddington Loop (bus terminal). So, I tried to make it stop with newspaper. Then, a friend of mine, Christina, came and tried to help me a bit. We got on the 3, but missed the 118 by, like, 2 seconds. So, she phoned her dad to pick us up. Luckily we live 225 steps from each other, so it was quite convenient. Then, I went home and crashed. Gone. Done. Agh.

This morning we went and did the Stampede Breakfast at Chinook Center. Then we went out and bought a MOTORCYCLE. Yup, that's right. Lol.

Then I got home, and my loverly favourite band had sent around an e-mail about all the stuff happening to them, and MY BANNER THAT I MADE!!!!! Lol. It made me vair happy indeed.

Here is MY BANNER THAT I MADE!!!!!! :

Isn't it fabulous?! XD

Anyway, not sure what is up for tonight! But I shall go eat soon, so later!


05 July 2006


Ho hum.....

Well, so far summer vacation has proved to be a bit on the *yawwwnnnn gurgle* side. However, Stampede season is also among us, so that's exciting. Seeing as I won't be here next year, I am going all out, and have even purchased (*gasp*) an All-Day Ride Pass! It really is quite shocking and uncharacteristic of me. Ooh la la, it's like I'm in a new land already!

It is also unbarably hot for my delicateness. This hotness is demonstrated by the stench in my garage. The heat has cooked the garbage bags sitting in there. Now, it has been simmered into a stew of really gross smells. It's disgusting. The heat is also demonstrated by the fact that I absolutely can not sleep in my room for the life of me- it is like the Sahara in there, scouts honour. So, I have taken refuge in my basement, which, even with a rather large quilt, is still freezing. It would make Canada proud. You know, Canada in winter. Or, if we're still on desert-like references, Siberia. Yes yes, Siberia and my basement are like cousins. Bless them. Ha ha.

So, now I am off. Pity there is not much more to discuss than the weather. It is so cliche- gag me with a spoon!

Oh yeah, my mom got a maple leaf tattooed on her ankle on Canada day (1 July for you who aren't as up on Canada's birthday as us Canadians), so that was nifty.

Au revoir pour maintenant. I shall go finish my duties now, and be back with more stuff later!



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