I'm Aisling. I'm a "dorkerella," on the never ending quest to be the world's greatest know-it-all. This is my story.
28 June 2007
The Pre-Billet Blog
Okay, so this is the 3rd and final time you will have to hear about how I am leaving for billeting tomorrow, and how much I despise billeting.
Actually, to be fair, it's improved each time. Let's reminisce, shall we?
In Kelowna, I was with a lovely francophone family. They were fantastic, but I spent the two weeks being sick, and willing it to go faster since I went home for 48hours the weekend after. Also, they lived so far away, in Westbank. In a big, meticulously clean, even with 2 kids and a beautiful (shedding!) Golden Retriever, house. I would have probably enjoyed it a lot more if I had been able to see people from the group other than at hurried lunch dates or walking by in the street. Skiing was fantastic though, since I'd never done it before, and trying new things is such a rush!
Orleans was much improved. My family was great once more, and a little bit more relaxed. I loved going to church with them! It was Salvation Army, and not only did I love the fact that a bunch of them wore uniforms, but they were also so nice and interested in my life. The old men were so cute! Also, this house was across the street from Joelle's, so I was able to spend a lot of time with her, which was pretty cool. I saw Nick at work everyday, which was nice, and he also came to hang out with us after school one day. Sean spent one day with Joelle and I as well, and Gwobs, Nick, Jade and I went out to lunch for Jade's birthday. So, overall, I was less lonely, had a lot more to say, was a lot more comfortable, and way less sick!
So, my last experience was pretty good. I wonder why I still dislike billeting so? Hmmmm. Well, hopefully this time around (THE LAST TIME!) will be FANTASTIC!
In other news, the last two days were dedicated to delivering the "bac brun" for compost to EVERYONE IN LA POC! Yesterday this took from 7am until 5pm, and today it was 6.45am until 3.45pm. And as a reward for me being so great, I get tomorrow off! And then, obviously, Monday is off to celebrate Canada Day! It's kind of unfair how there are 2 Mondays in a row off here! Ha ha. But good this year since I am here, and I love days off!
Tomorrow is International Kick Gwobs in the Head Day. Juste pour savoir!
Love ya lots!
By the way, I love Alex right now. <3333 she told me to write that- and it's true! Ha ha.
The Next Day....
I forgot to mention that THE SPICE GIRLS ARE BACK!!!!! OH MY GOD, I am SO excited!!!! Sure they're only doing 11 shows, none of which I will be able to see, but it's not like I saw any of their shows while they were still around, so who cares? I can just go back to being a crazy fangirl like I was when I was 10, and everything will be fantastic!!
Luckily a few weeks ago I was able to buy a Spice Girls lunchbox for 2$!
Labels: Journal, Katimavik, La Pocatière
25 June 2007
What's up, 72 hours, etc.
Okay, so... what's been up lately?? I went back to work after being sick. Wow, huh? Ha ha. The first day was pretty laid back, I just sat around mainly and put together the 3 pamphlets we're handing out (Which, I am happy to report, SUCK. It's too confusing to give the pamphlets about the Collecte a Trois Voies AND the ones on how to make your own compost in your backyard, SO tomorrow I get to start using my downtime to DISASSEMBLE the packets, and remove the one pamphlet. And by one pamphlet, I mean, times that by 1200, and that's a lot of effing pamphlets that I put together and now have to take apart! Gahhhhhhhh!!!! Anyway...). On Friday morning I did the same thing, and on Friday afternoon, I ACTUALLY STARTED GOING DOOR-TO-DOOR with Karine!!! We only actually talked to about 4 people, but it was kind of fun! We met the funeral director and his wife and they were so funny. The man asked if he could compost his wife!!! Ha ha.
Friday evening marked the beginning of our 72 hour Katima-break. Everyone left before six, except for Sean, Gwobs, Steve and I who were left at home (well, I actually DECIDED to stay home!). We pretty much sat around all weekend and... -------------------------------------------------- Um.... yes. We played bocce ball and... watched movies. And South Park. And played video games like Pokemon. And... yesssss.... BIBLE STUDY!!! YEAH BIBLE STUDY! (Lol, let me explain that one if you don't remember / don't know... one time we went to this dance thing in grade 10, and were going back to stay with Justine, and there were so many of us in her mom's car, and the cops pulled us over for a checkstop, and Justine goes "Please sir, we're just trying to get home to do our Bible study!" And Orry goes "Look down her shirt!" Because Justine was wearing a quite revealing top.... hee hee hee.... Ahhhhhh reminiscing!!!! Good times.) Anyway, last evening Nick, Joelle and Anny came home which was a total surprise since they were supposed to get a ride with Fred from Quebec City TODAY.
So, last night we were just hanging out, listening to Les Cowboys Fringants, and then we went to watch the fireworks, which must have cost La Pocatiere a couple thousand, there were so many! But it was great, and everyone was happy and loving Quebec and good times were had by all.
Today we cleaned up, and now everyone has gone to teh Fleuve pretty much, and that's how the 72 hours were spent!
So, this week will be alright. We start our final stage of billeting on Friday (YESSSS YESSS YESSS, OH THANK-YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE IT GOES BY FAST!!!!!!!) and then there's pretty much nothing to stopping the time from slipping by (NOOOOO!!!! NO!!!! MAKE IT GO SLOWER!!!!!) and I'll be home in no time (YAYYYYYYY!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED)!
It is really hard to keep track of my emotions.
Today is Nicole from school's Birthday! Tomorrow is Anny's birthday, and Friday is Gwobs' Birthday. So.....
(wait for me to write it in big, colourful writing, even though none of them read this...)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Well, that's all the annoying chatter I can muster up for now, unless you want to hear about how much I love Avril Lavigne's song "When You're Gone." It rocks.LOVE YA! MISS YA!
Edit: I made this at work today, ha ha:
Labels: Journal, Katimavik, La Pocatière
22 June 2007
Old Photoshoot, ha ha.
On May 18, 2007, when we were still in Orleans. Sean, Jade, Alex, Joelle and I were bored. So we decided to do a photoshoot, on account of Sean is studying that at University next year. Anyway, I was sorting through the photos today and playing with them a bit, and I thought I'd share!
First, here's Sean, our brilliant photographer. This picture was actually taken by Joelle or I, and then skanked up for Seanzor, by yours truly.
Here is me, in sepia, enjoying the view of something to my left!
This is moi and Joelle having lots of fun!
The four girls... aren't we adorable?
And me, looking dreamy, lying on the floor, in black and white. (I love this one!)
There are LOADS more, including some really hot Joelle-with-skateboard shots, and Jade-with-guitar. It was a pretty sweet night, and we were pretty bored! Ha ha.
Also, here is a colourization I did of a photo of Anny:
Labels: Journal, Katimavik, La Pocatière, Orléans, Photos
21 June 2007
Gastro and such.
Well, right now I am sitting in an odd chair, that puts me about one foot lower than the computer, so I bet I look quite comical as I write this!
I'm headed back to work today after a bout with gastro! Whoooo. Ha ha. I was pretty sick for two days, went to the hospital, waited around for 4 hours and then was told to drink Gatorade until I felt better. Okayyyyy. So, I did, and here I am!
This weekend is the St. Jean, and I'm doing... NOTHING! Because I'm too poor! BLAST! Anyway, it's not a big deal, there will be other St. Jeans...
Random song lyric alert! Now I am into this lovely one from Les Cowboys Fringants!
Tourne L'Automne
Comment ça va ma p'tite soeur ?Viens que j'te serre dans mes brasPis as-tu r'trouvé l'bonheurDans ton trip au Canada ?Dans l'bout' c't'année y s'est pas passé grand'choseC't'un peu morose...J'espère au moins qu'c'tait l'fun là-basChu fier que tu m'aies pas ramenéUn beau-frère de l'AlbertaÇa m'aurait un peu ébranléJure-moi donc que c'fois là tu restes à' maison pour de bonAnyway chu content que tu r'viennesT'arrives en même temps qu'l'automneTsé qu'ça m'a fait ben d'la peineDe t'voir partir ma mignonne...Icitte y'a papa qui se r'metDe sa p'tite opérationT'aurais du l'voir y feakaitFallait l'traiter aux p'tits oignonsEt môman s'est inquiété toute l'annéeÀ cause de toé...De mon bord j'ai décidéD'arrêter de végéterJ'rentre à l'universitéOn verra c'que ça va donnerMais tu m'connais chu pas motivé plus qui fautC'est pas nouveau...Anyway chu content que tu r'viennesT'arrives en même temps qu'l'automneTsé qu'ça m'a fait ben d'la peineDe t'voir partir ma mignonne...J'ai vu Simon le mois passéÇ'avait pas trop l'air de filerY m'a dit qu't'avais pas appeléDepuis sa fête en févrierSi tu l'aimes pu faudrait peut-être pas l'niaiserC't'un bon buddyEt puis toé ma p'tite soeurEs-tu toujours aussi perdue?C'est ti encore la grande noiceur ?Ou ben si t'as r'pris le dessus ?Tsé qu'la vie est parsemée de p'tites misèresFaut pas t'en faire...Anyway chu content que tu r'viennesT'arrives en même temps qu'l'automneTsé qu'ça m'a fait ben d'la peineDe t'voir partir ma mignonne...Anyway chu content que tu r'viennesT'arrives en même temps qu'l'automne... So, for those of you who are not Quebecois speaking... he's singing to his sister, who has gone off to somewhere else in Canada, and has just come back (right in time for autumn). He's glad that she didn't bring home a boy from Alberta (ha ha). And he sings about what their dad's been up to. How their mom has been worrying the whole time about her. How he's decided to stop being lazy, and go to University. How Simon (her boyfriend, I assume) is upset because she hasn't called him since his birthday in February. And that if she doesn't like him still she should let him down softly, because he's a nice boy. Then he asks if she found herself while she was out in Canada.
Anyway, I'm happy that you came back at the same time as autumn, it gave me a bit of pain, to see you leave here my sweet girl.So. You can probably see why I enjoy this one!
Labels: Journal, Katimavik, La Pocatière, Random Lyrics
16 June 2007
Quebec City!!!
So, today was our day trip to Quebec (the city). Ha ha.
First, in the morning, we went to Mortmency to see the chutes (waterfalls). It was gorgeous. And only was it gorgeous, but my hair was gorgeous!
Then, we spent the afternoon (5 hours!!!!) touring Vieux Quebec, which is SO PRETTY and HISTORIC. I got to see some great monuments, and walk along the wall that surrounds it, which is really high and complete with cannons to keep the English out (ha ha). Visited the Plains of Abraham, which when you think about it is kind of weird. I mean, people died there, and I layed down and had a short nap! Ha ha.
So, yes, overall, a VERY nice day!!! Hopefully pictures will appear on here over the next millenium or so!
Labels: Journal, Katimavik, La Pocatière
14 June 2007
The typical play-by-play...
Things have been pretty good lately! Unfortuently, I was sick today so I missed the afternoon of work! But I had a 4 hour nap, and drank a lot of water, and now I feel better, except my kidneys were a little swollen when I woke up.
When did I last update...?
Oh okay... so Saturday we had a boring French activity, and a really fantastic Physical Activity, consisting of British Bulldog, which was fun, but hard on the knees, obviously. Saturday night was free time, so we just hung out in the park. On Sunday we went to Rivière-du-Loup to see the chutes, beautiful by the way, and tour downtown, which is sooo cute with about 50 terraces! Ha ha. They're always advertised in the Info-Dimanche. Of course, Sunday night was our House Meeting, which was pretty uneventful.
Monday night was another physical activity, and we played Soccer Baseball, which some of you may recall is also known as one of my top least favourite games that I wish would just dieeeee and be shoved up someone's ass! But it was still fun. Tuesday night was free time, because Jade's friends and Joelle's dad were here to visit them, respectively. Last night was French, and then we stayed up until almost one a.m.
Tonight is free time, and I'll probably do nothing since I'm still not feeling 100%. The city hall workers just got back from a guy they work with's pool, and so supper will be made soon... we'll see how that goes!
This weekend we're going to Québec, so that's exciting! Gwobs wants us to have an epic English vs. French battle on the Plains d'Abraham, so we can prove that the English are still the best or something.... Riiiight, Gwobs. Anyway, going to the Plains will be interesting to me, being the dork that I am when it comes to that kind of thing!!
I'm still not sure what to do for the St. Jean... I am SO POOR. I only have 50$ left to last me until August 22nd, plus my 21$/week of course...
Labels: Journal, Katimavik, La Pocatière
10 June 2007
The injustice!
Prince Harry is training in Alberta. He's been flirting with girls at Cowboys.
This is my dream come true.
And I am across the country.
Life really isn't fair.
Labels: Journal, Katimavik, La Pocatière
08 June 2007
The ball has been rolling for one year now...
I just looked back on some old blogs, and found this one, from June 7, 2006, which for those of you who keep track of things like dates, was one year ago, yesterday. And here's what I had to say...
Oh. My. God.
I know it's against my customs to post more than one entry a day. Or atleast in a 12 hour period. But I have NEWS. I HAVE BEEN SELECTED AS A PARTICIPANT IN THE 2006-2007 KATIMAVIK PROGRAM!!!!!!!! I am THE most EXCITED girl EVER to GO to CANADA in THE history OF the WORLD!!!!!! I don't have the energy to explain the entire program because I am about to jump out of my skin, but go here: http://www.katimavik.org/ . And it will explain it all.OH MYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyy GOOOOODDDDDDddddddddd. I leave November 22nd.And here we are. 6 months in. Am I still the most excited girl ever to go to Canada?
Although I hate to admit it... yes, actually. I am so lucky to be doing what I am doing, which is something I haven't really considered in the last while. I know it's not just me, but most of the group- we've just become so blasé about it... probably because it seems so normal now. But if you really take time to think about it, and to reflect about what we've all been through, and the great things we've been able to experience... wow. This program really is something special, something that we should be appreciating, because it WILL be ending soon. I remember when I wrote the entry one year ago, I felt like it was never going to happen. November was ages away. Now November has come and gone, and it felt like nothing. I can't feel it, because I progress with myself, and tend not to notice changes over time, but I know that Katimavik has ultimately transformed me (into, hopefully, a better person) and that I will walk away from this with more wisdom and life experience than most 19 year olds. I mean, how lucky am I to be able to gain all sorts of life knowledge, work experience, independence, and have a blast with 8 of the best people I've ever met, and have been priviledged to live with everyday? I know that living in a house like this can be crazy, but how lucky were we to be brought together like this? How can I possibly believe a computer selected us at random to become this big, odd, blended family? Obviously, the computer was just an instrument of fate!
Wow... this is why it is important to record thoughts... so you can look back on them and remember WHY you're doing what you're doing, and appreciate all your ever changing points of view. I have been in such a funk lately, and all it took to lift me out of it were a few words from my past.
Why am I so... mood-swingy lately? I just re-read that, and while I still feel the same way, I would give almost anything to be at home tonight. My eyes are swollen from crying... I was fine all day, pretty excited about everything, feeling great, and all of a sudden I just want everyone to leave me alone, while I cry. Maybe these tears have just been building up, and it took a break from the crappy feelings to get it flowing. I think mainly, I'm homesick. I wish I was at Ickies with my family tonight. I guess I just feel left out, because my whole family is involved in something that I should be involved in. I started at Crescent in 2003, and automatically joined the Drama Society. I got my brother involved when he started school the year after. And now, my brother is so into drama and this crazy world that I love, which is so great, and my dad is making a speech at his last drama thing, and my mom is going, and I'm... I'm at home, snapping my friends' heads off, and wishing they'd disappear. Luckily, most of them did... but one of them is mad at me, since I planned to go out with her originally and then just dropped it, like it meant nothing. I just can't snap this mood though, I NEEDED to cry. So... in short, my family and some of my friends will be having a great time without me tonight, the afterparty is also at my house, and my Katima-family is mad at me. Wow, sounds great, huh? Ughh... screw this, I'm going to bed.
Labels: Journal, Katimavik, La Pocatière
06 June 2007
Feeling a little bit better...
There's been some tension in the house the last few days. I won't go into specifics, because this blog is too public, and really house matters belong in the house, not floating along internet wires. Anyway, a couple people were upset by a recent change in group dynamic, and last night after our committee meeting, it became really obvious. We all just sort of sat there and you could taste the tension. So, we quickly all split up. A couple people went for a walk, a couple for a smoke, I went for a walk by myself (and got completely soaked in the rain). I came back after about 15 mins, and went to sit with Anny and Alex who were smoking vanilla cigars on the deck. We said a few words in regards to the tension, and me, being so afraid of confrontation said "You know it's bad when I'd rather go shiver in the rain, than sit in that room with everyone like that." And, like the stupid clockwork that is my life, Gwobs comes back from the dépanneur and tells us all to get back into the living room, so we can discuss this new "group issue." Group issues are directly from the Katimavik handbook. They are, quite simply, issues that affect the group. Group issues suck.
Insert awkward "group issues" conversation, that always involves people getting more hurt, but also kind of starts the ball rolling toward things getting better (we hope.).
Anyway, afterward, we all felt a bit better, I think. But still, it will take us several days to get sort of back to where we were. Truthfully, we'll never be back to the way we were. The dynamic has changed and that's the way it will be until August 22nd. And we just have to live with it.
On another completely different topic. House Managering has been good so far. Nick loves meat, so we bought SO MUCH. Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!! Our bread was HUGE and fantastic! And so far meals are going pretty good!!! So.... yeah! I used to hatehatehate HMing with a passion, but ever since last time, it has been rather enjoyable. It's weird to think I'll only be doing it again one more time before I go home!!!!
We have 2 French classes this week, and the second one is tonight. On Monday's class, I finished all the sheets, including the ones we didn't have to do, in about 10 minutes. Then the prof gave me the Classement Test, and he said my errors were just little ones that even French people make. So, I talked to the girls at home about it, and they pretty much said I should drop the class, and just stay home and talk in French with them. Even the PC said I wasn't obligated to go, so... we'll see!
Okay, so I decided to just add on to this one.
Firstly, I found out that my friend Andrea's brother, Dave, passed away a couple weeks ago. I am so completely heartbroken, and I hope anyone who reads this will keep their family in their thoughts and prayers.
French class tonight wasn't so bad, and I've asked the prof for more work at my level, so we'll see how it goes!
My mommy says if I send her the money for my Harry Potter book she'll order it for me! Otherwise, I will have to wait until I get home, and I can't, I can't, I can't!!!
Labels: Journal, Katimavik, La Pocatière
03 June 2007
What a great Saturday!
So, yesterday was pretty great, so I figured I should write about it!
In the morning, we did our physical activity, which was capture the...
bocce ball? We each had 4 bocce balls to hide, and then the rest was like capture the flag. It was pretty fun, because our last ball was hidden in a chip bag, so it took the other team agggeees to find. And we were tied, so it was pretty intense. Unfortuently, the ball was kicked out of the chip bag, and too many people were around for me to properly replace it, so I put the chip bag on top. But it is so windy here, that it blew off, and I just stood there looking nervous. Then Gwobs realized I looked nervous, and started circling around me, and saw I was practically standing on it. So, I called for Jade and she put it under her shirt! Ha ha. So Sean ran over and picked her up, and Gwobs blocked me, while Sean carried Jade back over to their side, and they won!!! Arggg, but alright it was still fun!
Then we all split up for a bit, to get whatever we needed to done before lunch. We checked out the flea market again (it was there Friday, and we went and bought some stuff. Gwobs bought a 4ft8 yogi bear... but actually I had to buy it because he can't speak French.), but didn't find anything interesting, so Jade and I went to the dépanneur to get ice cream. Then we all ate lunch (greek salad wraps, yum), and Anny and I took the compost to the bin near city hall, and went back to the flea market AGAIN where Anny bought 6 pairs of socks for 10$ (NOT USED SOCKS, BY THE WAY!!! Ha ha) and then got me to haggle with an older lady for some earrings. She wanted 3$, but Anny only had 2 (I mean, we only make 3$ a day!!!), and they came with a broach that Anny didn't want, so the lady gave the earrings for 2, and kept the broach. Yup.... that's not entirely interesting, actually.
For the afternoon we planned a trip to Kamouraska, which is a lovely little touristy town about 20 minutes away. First we went to the bakery, but none of us knew what to get. Sean just randomly picked something (he can't understand French, so he didn't know what the signs said). It was a bread thing with pears and dark chocolate that he said was amazing.
Next we went to the SAVONNERIE!!!! (SOAP STORE!!!!!!!) and spent a good half hour buying soap. I seriously spent 16$ on SOAP! But it smells so pretty! And it's all hand-made there. And I know, some of you are probably thinking "LUSH" right about now, but oh no, it was so much better! Much cheaper! And much better quality!!!! And such a pretty shop, playing old classic songs, and WOW.
Next we went to the Poissonerie (fish store) and looked at all the fish, but nobody bought any, ha ha. Then we walked back down the road, past all of the gorgeous houses, one of which was built in 1802, and one that had been converted into a Desjardins bank! We went to a little café and a bunch of people got coffee and tarte au fromage, and I got a little plate with bread, and herb cream cheese, and smoked salmon and smoked shrimp. I've never had smoked shrimp before, but it was AWESOME.
Then, we went to see a dock off the St-Laurent, because when in Katimavik, you ALWAYS go to see the water, even if you've seen the water at a different point in the water, you go AGAIN. Ha ha, it's weird how much water we've seen in 6 months...
We were about to head back home, but the Fred remembered a friend nearby who raises Polish Shepards. You may not have heard of this breed, because in WWII they were used to carry notes and weapons to the Polish Resistance. As a result of this, the German Nazis tried to exterminate them. They did get most of them, but in the 1950s until the 1960s, a few scientists went into the mountains and found about 70 of the dogs, wild, but still alive. They used the best ones to bring back the race, and the lady we met was the only breeder in Canada. And there are only about 25 breeders worldwide. Anyway, these dogs are meant to protect, so they seem really fierce, and bark a lot until they get to know you. They are also used for herding sheep. They do this by staying in the middle of the herd, and blend in with the sheep, then if something attacks them, they can jump out of the pack as this fierce dog. They also have a cool defensive technique, that just comes naturally, nobody has taught it. The smaller females will run away from the herd, and the wolves will think they're sheep. But the dogs can run faster than the wolves, so they tire them out, and then the big males, which weigh about 150lbs, come at the wolves from the side, knock them over, so they roll over, and then have a perfect opportunity to go for the throat and kill the wolves!!! Isn't that cool?
We also saw some 3 month old puppies. They weren't all barking and fierce yet, so the wanted to cuddle the whole time. They liked to chew up my hands and the ends of my braids, ha ha. And the other dogs that were barking and fierce, we were told, aren't like that if you know them. They're just trained to protect, so they'll protect anything on their property. The price for one of these fab dogs? 1800$
Then we returned home, had a fab dinner of Homemade Chicken Soup. And sat around and laughed a lot for a while. Then a couple people went outside to beat up yogi bear for a bit. Then we borrowed Fred's laptop and watched "Dirty Dancing," which was pretty great! Then bed time, and I slept until 11am! Yayy! Ha ha.
I'm not sure what we're up to today, because nobody planned anything, so we'll probably end up climbing another mountain. And then back to work for everyone tomorrow, except for Nick and I since we're House Managers!
Labels: Journal, Katimavik, La Pocatière
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